Gates ב

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בג גב


* from, booty בג
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * pursue ג

¢ Com בג



* arch, cistern, den, locust, beam, back, eminent place גב
* pursue ג * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com גב

|| בג-גב treasure vs. cache
בד דב


* stave, beside, branches, alone, only, strength, apart, bars, each, except, beside him, like, themselves lie, liar, empty talk, linen בד
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * commandment ד

¢ Com בד

|| bear, mutter, growl דב || בד-דב empty vs. purposeful
בה הב


* in her בה
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com בה

|| grant you, love, give הב || בה-הב possessed vs. given
בו וב


* in him בו
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו

¢ Com בו



* explaining the son וב
* distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com וב

|| בו-וב in vs. out
בז זב


* plunder, despising, prey, robbery בז
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ Com בז

|| discharging, gushing זב || בז-זב take vs. give
בח חב


* in life בח
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * understood, understand, life ח

¢ Com בח

|| bosom, hide חב || בח-חב known vs. hidden
בט טב


* in marriage, revealed marriage בט
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * marriage on earth, teaching of Christ ט

¢ Com בט



* good, pleasing טב
* marriage on earth, teaching of Christ ט * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com טב


אטבעה - I am sinking. I א teach the bride ט the revelation to man ב but the flesh ע doesn't understand.

יטבתה - pleasantness. Creator's י teaching ט is revealed to man ב. Tov ת makes it an object. Though it is pleasant, it is not understood ה.

מיטב - best of. Waters above מי (from מים with waters above and below) or the heavenly Torah teaching ט revealed to man ב.

טבעת - signet ring. The teaching ט revealed to man ב in the flesh ע and made permanent ת. The signet ring is a sign to the son. We are adopted.

טבח - slaughter. When the teaching of the revelation to man is understood, the flesh must die. || בט-טב revealed vs. assessed

בי יב


* excuse me (introduce a request) בי
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com בי

|| enemy? יב || בי-יב friend vs. enemy
בכ כב


* in you בכ
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * Son of God, (pre. as) כ

¢ Com בכ

|| Son of God revealed to man כב || בכ-כב heart vs. head
בל לב


* no, in , heart, lord בל
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * to, teaching, shared heart ל

¢ Com בל

|| heart לב || בל-לב Object of affection vs. affection
במ מב


* in them, in the promise of the father במ
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com במ

|| Father revealed to man מב || במ-מב in vs. shown
בנ נב


* son, builder בנ
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * son of man נ

¢ Com בנ

|| high place, produce of, high place נב || Gבנ-נב low vs. high
בס סב


* revealed fulfilled promise בס
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * fulfilled the promise ס

¢ Com בס

|| around, circumstance סב || בס-סב planned vs. happened
בע עב


* physical בע
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * flesh ע

¢ Com בע



* darkeness ↬ grace , cloud, thicket, thick plank, beam ↬ cross עב
* flesh ע * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com עב

|| בע-עב Physical, spiritual
בפ פב


* in mystery בפ
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * mystery, parable, riddle, mouth פ

¢ Com בפ

|| mystery revealed to man פב || בפ-פב hidden vs. revealed
בצ צב


* mire, morass בצ
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * exchanged righteousness for sin, the righteous one צ

¢ Com בצ

|| grip, coach, he is stationing, turgid (pompous, excessively embellished) צב || בצ-צב mired vs. embellished
בק קב


* rising, ב in ק the Son's death בק
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * son of God died and rose ק

¢ Com בק

|| revile קב || בק-קב alive vs. condemned
בר רב


* son of, cereal, field, purity, neat בר
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * revealed ר

¢ Since the bet ב is drawn as a resh ר which meets the lower horizontal of the square text template, we can read this as two resh's, one of which reaches the horizontal. This means the Son בר is the Word of God in heaven and earth, by means of the double resh, and that one resh reaches the earth.

|| much, grandee , many, vast, abundant, numerous, large, contending, he multiplied, increase רב || בר-רב finished vs. inprocess
בש שב


* to be ashamed of בש
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * increase, spirit, fire ש

¢ Com בש

|| returned (to rest), reverses, cease, turned back (to rest), dwell, turn away (resting), sit, restores, gray haired (retired), sits שב || בש-שב ashamed vs. restored
בת תב בת daughter, town, village, (measure of volume 9 gallons) reply, return, sat תב בת-תב sent out vs. returned