Gates ג

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Gates ג

גד דג


* coriander, raid גד
* pursue ג * commandment ד

¢ Com גד

|| fish, grow דג || גד-דג steal vs. grow
גה הג


* ravine גה
* pursue ג * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com גה

|| the chase הג || גה-הג hide vs. run
גו וג pursue clarification גו clarify the pusuit וג Gגו-וג
גז זג


* fleece, mowings, grass גז
* pursue ג * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ All types of harvest.

|| husk (skin of the grape) זג || גז-זג uncovering vs. covering
גח חג


* break forth, pursue understanding גח
* pursue ג * understood, understand, life ח

¢ Com גח

|| feast, celebration, he circled חג || גח-חג spread vs. gather
גט טג


* pursue the marriage גט
* pursue ג * marriage on earth, teaching of Christ ט

¢ Com גט

|| marriage pursuit טג || Gגט-טג
גי יג


* ravine גי
* pursue ג * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com גי

|| brighten יג || גי-יג dark vs. light
גכ כג


* pursue the Son גכ
* pursue ג * Son of God, (pre. as) כ

¢ Com גכ

|| Son's pursuit כג || Gגכ-כג
גל לג


* heap, wave, spring, billow, bowl, expose you גל
* pursue ג * to, teaching, shared heart ל

¢ Com גל

|| laugh, scorn, log (a liquid measure used for oil) לג || גל-לג participate vs. observe
גמ מג


* also, moreover, even גמ
* pursue ג * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com גמ

|| magian מג || Gגמ-מג
גנ נג


* garden, enclosure גנ
* pursue ג * son of man נ

¢ Com גנ

|| bright, shining, morning נג || גנ-נג first beginning vs. second beginning
גס סג pursue fulfilled promise גס turned away סג גס-סג pursue vs. turn away
גע עג touch, pursue the flesh ,wearied גע flesh pursued עג Gגע-עג
גפ פג himself, body, highest places, wing גף mystery pursued פג Gגפ-פג
גצ צג pursue righteousness גצ made to stay put צג גצ-צג advance vs. stay
גק קג pusue the cross גק cross pursued קג Gגק-קג
גר רג sojourner, stirs up, chalk, lime גר kill רג גר-רג join vs. separate
גש שג come close גש spirit of pursuit שג Gגש-שג draw close vs. run away
גת תג winepress, wine vat גת purpose of pursuit תג Gגת-תג act vs. purpose