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דבק - Sensus Plenior


* commandment ד * revelation to man, pref: in ב * son of God died and rose ק

* commandment ד * rising, ב in ק the Son's death בק

* bear, mutter, growl דב * son of God died and rose ק

* thin, small, dwarf, little thing, gaunt, curtain, veil דק * revelation to man, pref: in ב

* cleave, follow hard, overtake, cleave, joint, soldering דבק

¢ Com דבק


* commandment ד * revelation to man, pref: in ב * son of God died and rose ק

¢ Com ד-ב-ק


* commandment ד * rising, ב in ק the Son's death בק

¢ Com ד-בק


* bear, mutter, growl דב * son of God died and rose ק

¢ Com דב-ק


* thin, small, dwarf, little thing, gaunt, curtain, veil דק * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com ד(ב)ק

Last modified on 6 October 2021, at 20:38