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זורע - Sensus Plenior


sower זורע

* bride, those taught by Christ ז * revealed ר * flesh ע

* bride, those taught by Christ ז * associate, friend, evil, bad, shouting, roar, wicked, purpose, thought רע

* crown, flange, alien, laden with guilt זר * flesh ע

* stirred, lifted up, bride's flesh זע * revealed ר

* sow, yield, sower, conceive, seed, child, pulse, vegetables זרע

¢ Com זרע


* bride, those taught by Christ ז * revealed ר * flesh ע

¢ Com ז-ר-ע


* bride, those taught by Christ ז * associate, friend, evil, bad, shouting, roar, wicked, purpose, thought רע

¢ Com ז-רע


* crown, flange, alien, laden with guilt זר * flesh ע

¢ Com זר-ע


* stirred, lifted up, bride's flesh זע * revealed ר

¢ Com ז(ר)ע

* bride, those taught by Christ ז *


* associate, friend, evil, bad, shouting, roar, wicked, purpose, thought רע
* revealed ר * flesh ע

¢ Com רע
  • זר-ע - crown, flange, alien, laden with guilt (וזר) זר flesh ע

* bride, those taught by Christ ז *

revelation, revealing ר flesh ע

Last modified on 27 December 2020, at 06:50