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   ☧ Christ type
   ✞ Key
   ₩ - Pre-incarnate Word
   Ⅰ - Revelation - Light
   Ⅱ - Separation - Waters
   Ⅲ - Desolation - Land
   Ⅳ - Spirit born - Lights
   Ⅴ - Word born - Birds, fish
   Ⅵ - Bride
   Ⅶ - Rest
   ÷ - punint, pun intended
   ↻ - gate, reversal of two letters.
   ↬,↫ - metaphor, idea wrapped up in a word or symbol (point to symbol)
   ↛ - non-sequitur
   § - synonym, the use of 'or' "holy or separate"
   ∞ - link