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* good, pleasing טב
* marriage on earth, teaching of Christ ט * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com טב


אטבעה - I am sinking. I א teach the bride ט the revelation to man ב but the flesh ע doesn't understand.

יטבתה - pleasantness. Creator's י teaching ט is revealed to man ב. Tov ת makes it an object. Though it is pleasant, it is not understood ה.

מיטב - best of. Waters above מי (from מים with waters above and below) or the heavenly Torah teaching ט revealed to man ב.

טבעת - signet ring. The teaching ט revealed to man ב in the flesh ע and made permanent ת. The signet ring is a sign to the son. We are adopted.

טבח - slaughter. When the teaching of the revelation to man is understood, the flesh must die.