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Samaria שמרון


* name, reputation, promulgated, שמ שמ
* increase, spirit, fire ש * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com שמ


* increase, spirit, fire ש *

* from, silent, father, from the father מ *

¢ The father is silent [1]

How the mem tells us about God

Old מ


* distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו *

* increase, spirit, fire ש *

bitter, myrrh, death מר and the son's death ון

* increase, spirit, fire ש * distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו * the son of man's death ן

* increase, spirit, fire ש * and the son's death ון

* flockling, appropriate, compensation, make equal שו * the son of man's death ן

* ivory tooth שן * distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו

* marriage of שון

¢ Com שון


* increase, spirit, fire ש * distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו * the son of man's death ן

¢ Com ש-ו-ן


* increase, spirit, fire ש * and the son's death ון

¢ Com ש-ון


* flockling, appropriate, compensation, make equal שו * the son of man's death ן

¢ Com שו-ן


* ivory tooth שן * distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו

¢ Com ש(ו)ן

bitter, myrrh, death מר

* increase, spirit, fire ש *

they rebelled. death of them מרו the son of man's death ן

They rebelled מרו at the law ↫ ivory tooth. They had intermarried and worshiped on a mountain rather than the temple.


* name, reputation, promulgated, שמ שמ
* increase, spirit, fire ש * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com שמ

revelation, revealing ר and the son's death ון


* name, reputation, promulgated, שמ שמ
* increase, spirit, fire ש * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com שמ

form, appearance, soak, satiate רוthe son of man's death ן


* name, reputation, promulgated, שמ שמ
* increase, spirit, fire ש * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com שמ

form, appearance, soak, satiate רו the son of man's death ן

* distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו *

the son of man's death ן

* increase, spirit, fire ש *

* from, silent, father, from the father מ *

¢ The father is silent [1]

How the mem tells us about God

Old מ

revelation, revealing ר and the son's death ון

* increase, spirit, fire ש *

* from, silent, father, from the father מ *

¢ The father is silent [1]

How the mem tells us about God

Old מ

Template:ףרו the son of man's death ן

* increase, spirit, fire ש *

bitter, myrrh, death מר

* distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו *

the son of man's death ן


* name, reputation, promulgated, שמ שמ
* increase, spirit, fire ש * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com שמ

revelation, revealing ר

* distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו *

the son of man's death ן

* increase, spirit, fire ש *

* from, silent, father, from the father מ *

¢ The father is silent [1]

How the mem tells us about God

Old מ

revelation, revealing ר

* distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו *

the son of man's death ן

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Joh 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.