What does “Jealous” mean in Exodus 34:14?

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Let's build up the meaning from the letters: קן kush - Holiness of God nun - fish of the Word of God

the Word qen means nest, and also the little rooms in Noah's ark representing the 'many places' for us in the Father's house. We are the clean fish dwelling in God's word and he has a place for us.

When the aleph is added to the end representing division between the word of holiness and the word of grace we get:

קנא envy (07065) , purchase for separation (07066) , jealousy used only of God (07067),

When gena is followed with the hei (giving of oneself) we get קנאה qin’ah zeal (07068). Zeal is a self-sacrificing jealousy.

When the division of the aleph is removed we get קנה purchase or redeem for a possession (07069), reed or branch (07070) Christ is the reed who purchases us for his own possession as his bride.

The passage in question uses 07067 which has the sense of God purchasing us to be separate or Holy.

Hebrew is deeply rooted with meaning beginning with the smallest marks of the letters.