Warning: Declaration of MFResourceLoaderModule::getDependencies() should be compatible with ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDependencies(ResourceLoaderContext $context = NULL) in /var/www/vhosts/sensusplenior.net/httpdocs/wiki/extensions/MobileFrontend/includes/modules/MFResourceLoaderModule.php on line 0

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אמן - Sensus Plenior


אמן amn

0539, 0540, 0541, 0542, 0543, 0544

(d. believe, assurance, faithful, established, trust)
(d turn to the right)
(d. cunning workman)
(d. amen, truly, truth)


* mother when, rather, if אמ
* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com אמ

manna מן


* on, when, where אן
* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א * the son of man's death ן

¢ Com אן


Last modified on 7 November 2014, at 21:13