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[[קיץ]] qytz - summer, summer fruit,  p. thorn [[קוץ]])
[[קיץ]] qytz - summer, summer fruit,  p. thorn [[קוץ]])

Latest revision as of 16:24, 30 August 2021

* son of God died and rose ק * creation, creator, hand, work י * cross, judge died ץ

* son of God died and rose ק * Def יץ יץ

* ones being expectant of me קי * cross, judge died ץ

* end, end of time, irritate קץ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* summer, summer fruit, p. thorn קוץ קיץ

¢ Com קיץ


* son of God died and rose ק * creation, creator, hand, work י * cross, judge died ץ

¢ Com ק-י-ץ


* son of God died and rose ק * Def יץ יץ

¢ Com ק-יץ


* ones being expectant of me קי * cross, judge died ץ

¢ Com קי-ץ


* end, end of time, irritate קץ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ק(י)ץ

קיץ qytz - summer, summer fruit, p. thorn קוץ)

  • קי-ץ - the ones expecting me קי made righteous through my death ץ

ones being expectant of me קי יץ


* end, end of time, irritate קץ
* son of God died and rose ק * cross, judge died ץ

¢ Com קץ
