Aleph - the Trinity

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Aleph - the Trinity

There are several hints that the aleph represents the Trinity.

  • The number of it's name: if spelled אלף it is 831 or 3. If spelled אלוף then it is 837 or 9.

Three is a metaphor for the Trinity

When three things are closely associated, they represent some aspect of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Topic Father 1-3* Son 2-3* Holy Ghost 3-3*
They do Declares Works Gives life
We do We are drawn We we understand We love
Three responses hear see walk
Three rejections deaf blind lame
Three women at the well Chooses the bride Works for and woos the bride Gathers the bride
The well three times covered opened by the Son poured on the town
Three waters available covered pouring from Jesus
Three farmers Sows Waters Gives the increase 1Co 3:6
Three plants grass herb w/ seed tree w/ fruit & seed Ge 1:11
Three internal responses read hear keep Re 1:3
Three in heaven Father Word Holy Ghost 1Jn 5:7
Three on earth Spirit Water Blood 1Jn 5:8
Three first days of creation Light Water Dry ground - grass herb
Three second days of creation lights water produce fish and birds earth produces cattle, beasts and man
  • used as a reference when the number three is used to discern Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
grass, herbs, tree Ge 1:11
whales, [fish], [fowl]
living, creeping, beast
beast, cattle, creeper

Nine is a metaphor for the Trinity - Three 3's or each person of the triune godhead is himself fully God. This is used in John 21 in reporting of the netting of 153 fish. They are 144 + 9 = 153 fish.

In the aleph א, יוי is a metaphor for the Trintity By the strokes there is the yod י above and the yod י below, separated by a vav ו. The yod above represents the Father, the yod below represents the son. Notice that the Father and Son are both represented by a yod; they are the same but different. [1]

  1. Joh 10:30 I and [my] Father are one.