Auto2 ש

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Auto2 ש

lift you, bear you , obtain you, luring, astrict, futility שא

returned (to rest), reverses, cease, turned back (to rest), dwell, turn away (resting), sit, restores, gray haired (retired), sits שב

spirit of pursuit שג

devestation, breast, lime, field שד

flockling, he is granting oblivion, he is lending, being appropriate, compensating, make equal שה

flockling, appropriate, compensation, make equal שו

spirit of the bride שז

bowed down, prostrate, meditation, shrub שח

swerving, scourge, go to and fro, rower, swerve, acacia שט

indemnity, lure שי

hedging שכ

ease, peace של


* name, reputation, promulgated, שמ שמ
* increase, spirit, fire ש * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com שמ

ivory tooth שנ

robbery, increase completed שס

salvation שע

lip, bruise שפ

spirit or increase in righteousness שצ

overflow, water, stretch out after, sackcloth שק


* chief, he sang שר
* increase, spirit, fire ש * revealed ר

¢ Com שר

six, sheen, elated, marble, bleached white, linen שש


* sit, six, buttocks שת
* increase, spirit, fire ש * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת

¢ Com שת

sit, six, buttocks שת