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* increase, spirit, fire ש * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* increase, spirit, fire ש * marked תה

* sit, six, buttocks שת * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* flockling, he is granting oblivion, he is lending, being appropriate, compensating, make equal שה * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת

* drink, drinkers, banquet (only 1 time), purpose of the lamb שתה

¢ Com שתה


* increase, spirit, fire ש * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com ש-ת-ה


* increase, spirit, fire ש * marked תה

¢ Com ש-תה


* sit, six, buttocks שת * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com שת-ה


* flockling, he is granting oblivion, he is lending, being appropriate, compensating, make equal שה * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת

¢ Com ש(ת)ה