S:Ge 1:1

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The creation story is told repeatedly and much doctrine is taught in this first verse of the Bible.

1. The aleph א Before the beginning God was alone with his unspeakable name יוי hidden in the silent and invisible aleph, which hints at his triune nature. The Father and Son are one, with the Spirit both distinguishing and joining them. Then he spoke, and created the heavens and the earth. He created by separating his creation from himself. This separation is a symbol of his holiness. The Spirit hovered between heaven and earth stirring up judgement; this was war between heaven and earth. The firmament/Son stilled the conflict, and this was peace through love.
2. The first word by the letters God did not simply create and then walk away. He revealed himself to man. The Word spoke and created the heavens and the earth, The Word came to men. The Word was the Son. The Word came to earth and returned, but returned with an increase; the bride. The Spirit enlivened the bride in the Son to enable her to go with the Son. She was purified and made Holy. The first thought of creation, and the creation itself, were brought to completion as the new life sprang from the Word and spontaneously returned to heaven.
3. The first word by formation The Son was totally devoted to the Father and under his authority. He spoke the Father's will into existence in six riddles. He made a covenant with man before man was formed. He set an appointed time. And his bride loved him. His work was complete.
4. The first sentence declares it plainly: God created the heavens and the earth.