Auto2 ד

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Auto2 ד

this, cause to wander, swooping דא

bear, mutter, growl דב

fish, grow דג

breast, command x2 דד


* confess, acclaim, command not understood דה
* commandment ד * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com דה

command clarification דו

command teaching, command bride דז

command understanding דח

command marriage דט

that, sufficient די

crushed one דכ

poor one, weak, needy, one who is low, door דל


* blood, be silent, life [1] דמ
* commandment ד * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com דמ

judge דנ

command completed, blood דס

do, opinion, know, knowledge דע

command hidden דפ

command righteousness דצ

thin, small, dwarf, little thing, gaunt, curtain, veil דק


* white, pearl, generation, abalone, command and revelation דר
* commandment ד * revealed ר

¢ Com דר

threshing דש

law, decree, commandment, manner, commission דת

  1. Le 17:11 For the life of the flesh [is] in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it [is] the blood [that] maketh an atonement for the soul.