Auto2 ת

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Auto2 ת


* anteroom, guardroom, little room תא
* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת * I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א

¢ Com תא

reply, return, sat תב

purpose of pursuit תג

peg תד

marked תה

mark, writing תו

purpose of the bride תז

lowly תח

you are turning aside תט

marked of me תי

fraud, smiting תכ

come to end, flawless, integrity, sincerity, spent תל

end of promise, purpose of father תמ


* give you, whale, dragon, son completed תנ
* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת * son of man נ

¢ Com תנ

completed fulfillment תס

stray תע

tambourine תפ

end of flesh תצ

purpose of cross תק

exploring, turtledoveת, purpose of revelation

buck goat, lend תש


* give, allow, תxת purposed and finished x תת
* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת

¢ Com תת