Ge 1:1 Answers to 'open' questions

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Ge 1:1 Answers to 'open' questions

1. Is there a gap between Ge 1:1 and Ge 1:2 where a whole other creation is implied? No. There is one story from Ge 1:1 - 2:5. Ge 1:1 is the introduction, v1:2-2:3 is the text. Ge 2:4,5 is the conclusion.

2. Are there seven layers of creation? No. The double pattern suggests that there is one creation with two aspects. The two aspects can be discerned by reading more closely.

In the first BCD things were formed by separation. The light was separated from the darkness. The waters above were separated from the waters below. The ground was separated from the water. In the second BCD there was life formed from the elements previously separated.
The word 'lights' מאור is 'from מ light אור'. Birds and fish were from water. Other animals and man were from the ground. There were three stages of separating the primary 'elements' of light, water and ground, and three stages where those elements produced living things.
In later studies, each day of creation will be revealed to be a picture of Christ. There are seven pictures of Christ, represented by days. 'Day' in Hebrew is yom יום : the intention of God in creation י made clear ו by the finished work of the son ם.

3. Since Ge 2:5 is the description of the last -A in Ge 2:4, it is not the beginning of the second account of creation. There is no contradiction. The contradiction was invented by placing Ge 2:5 at the beginning of the second creation account.