Auto2 ז

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Auto2 ז

heat זא

discharging, gushing זב

husk (skin of the grape) זג

proud, presumptuous זד

this, thus, these, lamb, spatter זה

that, this, which, brightness זו

bride x2 זז

displaced זח

bride's marriage זט


* cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי
* bride, those taught by Christ ז * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com זי

pure, clear זכ

brides teaching זל

lewd זמ

sort, kind, prostitute זנ

bride completed זס

stirred, lifted up זע

glance זפ

brides righteousness זצ

bride's cross זק

crown, flange, alien, laden with guilt (וזר) זר

bride's increase זש

hold זת