Warning: Declaration of MFResourceLoaderModule::getDependencies() should be compatible with ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDependencies(ResourceLoaderContext $context = NULL) in /var/www/vhosts/sensusplenior.net/httpdocs/wiki/extensions/MobileFrontend/includes/modules/MFResourceLoaderModule.php on line 0

Notice: Undefined variable: url in /var/www/vhosts/sensusplenior.net/httpdocs/wiki/extensions/MobileFrontend/includes/skins/SkinMinerva.php on line 827
בלם - Sensus Plenior


בלם blm


(d. held)


* no, in , heart, lord בל
* revelation to man, pref: in ב * to, teaching, shared heart ל

¢ Com בל

labdanum ( a perfume) לם


* them, hot, sunburnt, any המ
* her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com המ


Last modified on 16 September 2014, at 18:38