Auto2 ג

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Auto2 ג


* proud גא
* pursue ג * I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א

¢ =Used in=

ga'ah גאה triumph. Pride גא heard ה.
Gᵉ’uw’el גאואל majesty of God. Pride גא distinct ו to God אל.
ga‘avah גאוה haughtiness, arrogance. Pride גא distinctly ו to be heard ה.
ga’own גאון majesty, exaltation. Pride גא disictly ו by the cross ן (as the death of the Son of Man).
ge’uwth גאות lifting up, proudly. Pride גא with a distinct ו purpose ת.
ga’ayown גאיון proud. Pride גא separated from the cross ן by God יו. Also Pride גא joined to the cross ן by God יו. The ones who scorned Christ were both separated rom him in his death, but joined with him in his resurrection.
ga’al גאל redeem, pollute. Pride in the teaching of the shared heart. How can the redeemer be polluted? This is one source for the teaching that Christ was made to be sin in order to make us holy. [1]


* arch, cistern, den, locust, beam, back, eminent place גב
* pursue ג * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ Com גב


* top, pursuit x2 גג
* pursue ג * pursue ג

¢ Com גג


* coriander, raid גד
* pursue ג * commandment ד

¢ Com גד


* ravine גה
* pursue ג * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com גה

pursue clarification גו


* fleece, mowings, grass גז
* pursue ג * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ All types of harvest.


* break forth, pursue understanding גח
* pursue ג * understood, understand, life ח

¢ Com גח


* pursue the marriage גט
* pursue ג * marriage on earth, teaching of Christ ט

¢ Com גט


* ravine גי
* pursue ג * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com גי


* pursue the Son גכ
* pursue ג * Son of God, (pre. as) כ

¢ Com גכ


* heap, wave, spring, billow, bowl, expose you גל
* pursue ג * to, teaching, shared heart ל

¢ Com גל


* also, moreover, even גמ
* pursue ג * from, silent, father, from the father מ

¢ Com גמ


* garden, enclosure גנ
* pursue ג * son of man נ

¢ Com גנ

pursue fulfilled promise גס

touch, pursue the flesh ,wearied גע

himself, body, highest places, wing גף

pursue righteousness גצ

pusue the cross גק

sojourner, stirs up, chalk, lime גר

come close גש

winepress, wine vat גת

  1. 2Co 5:21 For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.