LS: Introduction

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Long Catechism->LS: Introduction->Alpha א

A metaphor is a symbol of an idea. All words are metaphor. They are symbols of something else. The word 'chair' is not a chair, but a symbol of it. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also metaphor. As you become familiar with the short catechism you will be tempted to 'translate' the letters based on it. This can be helpful at times, but limiting at other times. To properly interpret the symbol, one must understand the idea behind it. It may take many words to describe the idea. As such, the short catechism is intended to be a reminder of the idea.

They heard - אבגדה

God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א and revealed to men ב that he pursued them ג with a commandment ד which they did not understand ה.

They saw - וזחטי

They were distinguished ו as the bride ז when they did understand ח. Through a marriage ט they became a new creation י.

The promise - כלמנס

The Son of God כ taught ל the promise of the Father מ. The Son of Man נ fulfilled the promise ס.

The exchange - עפצ

He was made to be flesh ע, taught in parables, prophecies and riddles פ, and exchanged his righteousness for our sin צ.

The revelation - קרשת

The Son of God died and rose again ק revealing ר that his Word returned with an increase ש and the revelation had produced new life ת.

The final state - ךםןףץ

The Son of God died ך completing the promise of the Father ם. The Son of Man was restored to Glory ן. Prophecy was fulfilled ף. Judgement is ended ץ. And we became co-heirs with Christ.