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garments, mantle, eternal command and revelation אדרת

* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א *



* mist, humidity, general revelation, I commanded אד
* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א * commandment ד

¢ [1]

friendship רת

* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת *

* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א *

friendship רת

* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת *

* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א *


* white, pearl, generation, abalone, command and revelation דר
* commandment ד * revealed ר

¢ Com דר

* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת *

  • א(דר)ת - sign or wonder, with, all, eternal, ploughshare, against, with, in, him, me, upon, את


* white, pearl, generation, abalone, command and revelation דר
* commandment ד * revealed ר

¢ Com דר


* mist, humidity, general revelation, I commanded אד
* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א * commandment ד

¢ [1]

revelation, revealing ר

* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת *

* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א *

revelation, revealing ר

* completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת *

  1. 1.0 1.1 Ge 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.