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* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * son of man נ

* flesh ע * sort, kind, prostitute זנ

* strength, goat, she-goat עז * son of man נ

* depravity of, eye, spring of, answer, humiliate, poor ענ * bride, those taught by Christ ז

* Def עזנ עזנ

¢ Com עזנ


* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * son of man נ

¢ Com ע-ז-נ


* flesh ע * sort, kind, prostitute זנ

¢ Com ע-זנ


* strength, goat, she-goat עז * son of man נ

¢ Com עז-נ


* depravity of, eye, spring of, answer, humiliate, poor ענ * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ Com ע(ז)נ

* Def עזניה עזניה

¢ Com עזניה



* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * son of man נ

* flesh ע * sort, kind, prostitute זנ

* strength, goat, she-goat עז * son of man נ

* depravity of, eye, spring of, answer, humiliate, poor ענ * bride, those taught by Christ ז

* Def עזנ עזנ

¢ Com עזנ


* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * son of man נ

¢ Com ע-ז-נ


* flesh ע * sort, kind, prostitute זנ

¢ Com ע-זנ


* strength, goat, she-goat עז * son of man נ

¢ Com עז-נ


* depravity of, eye, spring of, answer, humiliate, poor ענ * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ Com ע(ז)נ

* flesh ע * son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* flesh ע * Def ני ני

* depravity of, eye, spring of, answer, humiliate, poor ענ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* falcon עי * son of man נ

* Def עני עני

¢ Com עני


* flesh ע * son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ע-נ-י


* flesh ע * Def ני ני

¢ Com ע-ני


* depravity of, eye, spring of, answer, humiliate, poor ענ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ענ-י


* falcon עי * son of man נ

¢ Com ע(נ)י

* flesh ע * creation, creator, hand, work י * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* flesh ע * Yah, Lord יה

* falcon עי * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* depraved, falcon עה * creation, creator, hand, work י

* Def עיה עיה

¢ Com עיה


* flesh ע * creation, creator, hand, work י * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com ע-י-ה


* flesh ע * Yah, Lord יה

¢ Com ע-יה


* falcon עי * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com עי-ה


* depraved, falcon עה * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ע(י)ה

* bride, those taught by Christ ז * son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* bride, those taught by Christ ז * Def ני ני

* sort, kind, prostitute זנ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי * son of man נ

* Def זני זני

¢ Com זני


* bride, those taught by Christ ז * son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ז-נ-י


* bride, those taught by Christ ז * Def ני ני

¢ Com ז-ני


* sort, kind, prostitute זנ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com זנ-י


* cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי * son of man נ

¢ Com ז(נ)י

* bride, those taught by Christ ז * creation, creator, hand, work י * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* bride, those taught by Christ ז * Yah, Lord יה

* cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* this, thus, these, lamb, spatter זה * creation, creator, hand, work י

* Def זיה זיה

¢ Com זיה


* bride, those taught by Christ ז * creation, creator, hand, work י * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com ז-י-ה


* bride, those taught by Christ ז * Yah, Lord יה

¢ Com ז-יה


* cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com זי-ה


* this, thus, these, lamb, spatter זה * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ז(י)ה

* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* son of man נ * Yah, Lord יה

* Def ני ני * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* plaint נה * creation, creator, hand, work י

* Def ניה ניה

¢ Com ניה


* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com נ-י-ה


* son of man נ * Yah, Lord יה

¢ Com נ-יה


* Def ני ני * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com ני-ה


* plaint נה * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com נ(י)ה

* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * creation, creator, hand, work י

* flesh ע * cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי

* strength, goat, she-goat עז * creation, creator, hand, work י

* falcon עי * bride, those taught by Christ ז

* Def עזי עזי

¢ Com עזי


* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com ע-ז-י


* flesh ע * cutting off, bride's Lord, bride's creation זי

¢ Com ע-זי


* strength, goat, she-goat עז * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com עז-י


* falcon עי * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ Com ע(ז)י

* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* flesh ע * this, thus, these, lamb, spatter זה

* strength, goat, she-goat עז * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* depraved, falcon עה * bride, those taught by Christ ז

* Def עזה עזה

¢ Com עזה


* flesh ע * bride, those taught by Christ ז * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com ע-ז-ה


* flesh ע * this, thus, these, lamb, spatter זה

¢ Com ע-זה


* strength, goat, she-goat עז * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com עז-ה


* depraved, falcon עה * bride, those taught by Christ ז

¢ Com ע(ז)ה

* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י * Def [[]]

* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* Def ני ני * Def [[]]

* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

* Def ני ני

¢ Com ני


* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י * Def [[]]

¢ Com נ-י-


* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com נ-י


* Def ני ני * Def [[]]

¢ Com ני-


* son of man נ * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com נ(י)

* son of man נ * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה * Def [[]]

* son of man נ * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* plaint נה * Def [[]]

* son of man נ * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

* plaint נה

¢ Com נה


* son of man נ * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה * Def [[]]

¢ Com נ-ה-


* son of man נ * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com נ-ה


* plaint נה * Def [[]]

¢ Com נה-


* son of man נ * her, (pre. the), (suf. fem.) ה

¢ Com נ(ה)


* Def [[]]
* Def [[]] * Def [[]]

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* Def [[]]
* Def [[]] * Def [[]]

¢ =Comments=

* Def [[]]
* Def [[]] * Def [[]]

¢ =Comments=

* Def [[]]
* Def [[]] * Def [[]]

¢ =Comments=

* Def [[]]
* Def [[]] * Def [[]]

¢ =Comments=

* Def [[]]
* Def [[]] * Def [[]]

¢ =Comments=