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lie in wait, ambush, Arab ארב

(The father's revelation comes quickly at the appointed time.)
(The brides were ambushed Jud 21:20)

* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א *

much, grandee , many, vast, abundant, numerous, large, contending, he multiplied, increase רב


* light up, holiness, separate אר
* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א * revealed ר

¢ Com אר

* revelation to man, pref: in ב *

* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א *

revelation, revealing ר

* revelation to man, pref: in ב *


* father, green shoot, fruit אב
* I, created, reconciled (at end), separate, holy, Spirit, firmament א * revelation to man, pref: in ב

¢ The primary attribute of a father is his procreation of life.

Green shoot ☇↬ Father: God the Father is the source of the first life.

Fruit ☇↬ Father: He is also the source of the second life.

revelation, revealing ר
