MYHB - Teaching - Jerusalem

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Teaching - Jerusalem

The center of Jewish life was the temple at Jerusalem. See the lamed in 'Temple' heykal היכל ? The temple has something to do with teaching. The particular lessons in it's construction and the sacrifices will be covered later.
Jerusalem ירושׁלם‎ is the 'teaching ירו of peace שלם. Jeru ירו means 'God's י revelation ר made clear ו' or 'Jehovah's יו heart of revelation ר'. God has a heart of revelation or 'teaching'.
Salem שלם means 'peace'. It's construction is 'reputation שם of teaching ל.
Jerusalem is the city that God chose to carry his reputation. (1Ki 11:36) His desired reputation is that he reveals himself and teaches in peace.
This is the purpose of the temple in Jerusalem. The sacrifices were a symbols of how peace with God was made possible through the death of the Son of God.
'Temple' היכל means 'wo הי at the Son of God's כ teaching ל'. It was a woeful place as people repented and confessed their sin; but it was in Jerusalem - the teaching of peace with God.
Peace with God is the 'good news' or the 'gospel'. Jerusalem is a symbol of the Gospel. What happened at Jerusalem? A Holy God was placed in the hands of sinful men to be offered as the sacrifice for sin and produce peace with God. It was a great and terrible day; the day of the cross, the day of the Lord.