Warning: Declaration of MFResourceLoaderModule::getDependencies() should be compatible with ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDependencies(ResourceLoaderContext $context = NULL) in /var/www/vhosts/sensusplenior.net/httpdocs/wiki/extensions/MobileFrontend/includes/modules/MFResourceLoaderModule.php on line 0

Notice: Undefined variable: url in /var/www/vhosts/sensusplenior.net/httpdocs/wiki/extensions/MobileFrontend/includes/skins/SkinMinerva.php on line 827
Auto2 ל - Sensus Plenior

Auto2 ל

Auto2 ל

not לא

heart לב

laugh, scorn, log (a liquid measure used for oil) לג

lad, child לד

to her, for her, to him לה


* to him לו
* to, teaching, shared heart ל * distinguished, clarified (suf: his), (pre: and), the Word ו

¢ Com לו

teach bride לז

sappy, smooth לח

teach marriage לט


* to me, for me לי
* to, teaching, shared heart ל * creation, creator, hand, work י

¢ Com לי

to you, go you, walk לכ

teach x2 לל

labdanum (resin) למ

lodged לנ

teaching fulfilled לס

swallow לע

teaching riddle לפ

one mocking לצ

teaching cross לק

teching revelation לר

long-mained lion לש


* declare, teach the purpose לת
* to, teaching, shared heart ל * completed, finished, purpose, (makes an object) ת

¢ Com לת

Last modified on 24 February 2021, at 08:06